Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ral Partha Well Drakken 1983

A few pics of a current work in progress, Ral Partha's "Well Drakken" from 1983. I've had this model for years, and for most of those years it wore an unflattering dark blue paint job. Here it is stripped and repainted, with some work started on a scenic base for the old boy. I just love this sculpt; reminds me of Brian Froud's artwork...

The base is a slab of wood built up with wall spackling compound, with bits of cork glued on for rocks and a couple spots gouged out to create pools of stagnant, brackish water. My plan is to go for a swamp look for the base, with lots of vegetation and wet areas. I may even try my hand at sculpting some water plants similar to those draped over the figure itself to place over one or two of the rocks and tie the base in with the model... We'll see.

The base might, at first glance, seem a little large for gaming purposes, but I figure with arms that long this guy has to have a hell of a reach.I'm particularly pleased with the look of the vegetation on the figure... It looks appropriately filthy and nasty...

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